

The absolute, which has assumed the character of the Divine in many primitives’ cultures, has become 'abstracted' in the so-called civilized world, a diagram of reality and at the same time its deadly enemy. However, if reality can have an enemy, isn’t it an example par excellence for the validity of the saying, "If you cannot beat them, have them beaten?"

Attention is focused on the concrete - and on the speculative. Results are expected. It remains unclear whether it is the result of the act or of thinking. In fact, they contradict each other. It is either one thing or the other because acting means not understanding - rushing, creating realities. In comparison to understanding, it makes acting impossible. "To understand everything means to forgive everything." It is society that can forgive, and just before the forgiveness, it halts. According to this logic, one should above all, understand nothing.


Part of the omnipotence is to stop time. Being able to do something means to pass time. The transformation of a message is related to this pendulum stroke; because further investigation is carried out in the eyes of the public, while it is already the message. Nevertheless, the message is followed by another, for reasons that are independent of reality and more of a psychological nature. So that, for justice to be practiced, it is necessary to prolong the moment.


To put it simply, one forms an opinion, a temporal one, spatial as well, and in this picture everything that appears situates and has some remote relation to the facts - or rather, has no relationship whatsoever. The idea behind this is to sort out, so that everything, like a story, gets a meaningful connection. Still, the timing of this move never comes, for practical reasons because all attention is drawn to another case, or because the image is full of proofs and leaves no room to maneuver intellectually. But then again just remains as a promise, a possible future on the horizon.


Looking at this accumulated data, one might say, "What do these little human things imply, this triviality of the random in the face of the immutable and indifference of the universe?" One could also say, "See the big picture!" -  however, the image, which is grafted with data, hangs threateningly, without perspective. New appalling and revolting armies are exposed by a non-coincidental crisis.



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